
The Top 5 Reasons to Fart in Front of your Significant Other

OK. I hope you are not offended. There is some humor in this, but also an underlying truth. To fart, or not to fart; that is the question. It’s like the sexual progression: first touch, the first hug, the first kiss, the first “making out” and the first “going all the way.” Maybe the question

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8 Critical Keys to Saving Your Marriage with the EASY LOVE Laws

I’ve observed thousands of people over my near 30 years of clinical practice as a Marriage and Family Therapist caught in the clutches of martial anxiety, tension and worry. The tension and anxiety that results from the “Force it/Fix it” model you were taught can be paralyzing. And, over time, it becomes more and more

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7 Pitfalls in Trying to Find or Maintain that “Special” Relationship

You search for that “special” relationship. Falling in love means finding that “special” someone who reciprocates that feeling of being “special.” Or, you long to feel “special” in your significant relationship. If you are bored or there is a lull in your relationship you long to make it again “special.” Those cheating on their spouse

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Emotional Infidelity: Is Emotional or Physical Cheating Worse?

A study was conducted at Kansas Sate University surveying some 500 men and women asking the question: which would worse: imagining your partner involved in passionate sexual cheating or your partner engaged in emotional cheating with someone else? And, following the lines of gender stereotypes, the study concluded that men would be more disturbed by

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11 Keys to Save Your Marriage Using Love Thoughts

In the professional and self help community it’s commonly understood that your thinking creates reality. What you think about becomes your world. The thoughts in your mind color how you see and experience your world. Your thoughts and those images swirling around those thoughts generate your feelings. You focus (or think) on the ugly and

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Unhappy Marriage: The Process of “Falling out of Love”

The Unhappy Marriage: The “Falling out of Love” Process A Marriage and Family Therapist outlines the 3 stages In this article I will outline the 3 steps of an unhappy marriage that most of us, actually everyone that I’ve encountered, go through as we “fall in love” and then fall “out of love.” At the

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What you learn about Marriage at 6 will kill your marriage at 36 or 46

I remember one evening sitting on the couch watching Cinderella with my 6 year old granddaughter. She was enthralled with the movie; eyes riveted; heart obviously attached to Cinderella. Then I thought, “What is she learning about relationships, about love and about marriage?” My heart skipped a few beats as I watched the budding “relationship”

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Build Intimacy and Good Feelings with Appting

I’ve rolled out a new process to help you build intimacy and good feelings in your relationship – if both of you are ready. About two thirds who downloaded the Appting Guide considered themselves qualified to use it. Appting is a powerful and simple way to shift the momentum in your marriage or relationship and

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Marriage in Crisis: Tips and Advice

Conventional marriage tips and advice often offer ways for you to “fix” your marriage or relationship crisis. It is suggested you look “out there” to a therapist, to a skill, to a seminar or to a book to solve the problem. You also, sometimes obsessively, focus on your partner or spouse attempting to elicit assurance

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How to Save a Failing Marriage

Tip #2 for how to save a failing marriage involves enlarging your world. Those typically with marriage trouble believe they’ve said it all. In reality, most have much much more to communicate, yet fail to realize or be aware of what is unsaid. Learn 5 specific ways you can enlarge your world during your marriage

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