
Dream Marriage: Can You Really Create the Love You Want?

Bride And Groom Enjoying Meal At Wedding Reception

Is it possible for you to create a dream marriage?

Yes, you can create the love you want, a love you can TRUST. You can move toward your dream marriage. It is very possible. The quality and intensity and degree of TRUST of that love depends on a number of factors.

At a minimum, you can create an environment or a context in which this love can be planted carefully and over time blooms and grows into a powerful bond and connection that generates a deeper love, joy and profound sense of connection to another person – your dream marriage.

At the same time this loves enables you as a person to express your wildest and fullest sense of uniqueness as a person.

In other words, this love you can TRUST calls forth the best of you and enables you to be who you truly always wanted to be.

Bottom line: you don’t have to be a doormat, wimp, co-dependent (if you want to use that rather than old diagnose) or feel like your life of fun, adventure, success and independence is coming to an end if you truly love your spouse and invite your spouse to love you. You don’t  have to be unhappy in your relationship once you’ve let your spouse in.

You see, the capacity to love and create that EASY love is within you. You have it! It is yours! It’s there! It’s waiting to erupt.

You don’t need a guru. You don’t “need” marriage counseling. There is nothing wrong with you; you need not change to “make it happen.”

You can waken that sleeping giant within you and perhaps the sleeping giant in your spouse will waken along with you.

Good things await you! Your dream marriage.

And perhaps, this love will happen powerfully… now or perhaps will take seed and you will begin to see it emerge…now.

This love can emerge powerfully now. My experience with thousands of couples over the past two plus decades of clinical experience tells me it happens most powerfully and most quickly if the marriage faces a crisis.

Sometimes pain (as in infidelity; as in “I want a divorce” – I’ve fallen out of love) produces great gain!

Sometimes financial failure, health failure, family crisis, job failure all add to the list of circumstances in which the marriage can be rejuvenated and seen as a haven of support and problem solving. (Or, of course, the marriage can disintegrate as well under those circumstance.)

Sometimes decision and change points in a marriage are encountered (the birth of the first child, early adolescence of the first child, the empty nest, mid-life, etc.) and generate a reconstruction of the marriage.

Let’s now allow circumstances to dictate the future and health of your marriage.

Grab your opportunity now, to dig deep and touch deeply within yourself to find what it is you have that will allow the love you truly want to create itself.

Please check out  Save Your Marriage: The 3 EASY Love Laws  that offers resources and information on creating your dream marriage.

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