
Build Intimacy and Good Feelings with Appting

I’ve rolled out a new process to help you build intimacy and good feelings in your relationship – if both of you are ready. About two thirds who downloaded the Appting Guide considered themselves qualified to use it.

Appting is a powerful and simple way to shift the momentum in your marriage or relationship and let the good feelings mushroom.

unleashI’m getting great feedback from those Appting.

BTW, Joe sent me an email with another simple but powerful way to generate good feelings. Read what Joe says,

“Your emails and materials have been very helpful to me over the past four years, and I appreciate your advice and information. My wife and I have done something very similar in effect to “appting,” and I thought I would share it with you.

We have framed a sheet of paper with a single phrase printed in the center. It is hung in our bathroom, and it reads, “I love you because …” With a dry erase marker we can each write on the glass (I use the top half, and she uses the bottom) and complete the sentence with a phrase or thought that we might be feeling that day. At any time, we can then erase our comment and replace it with a new one, usually every few days or so.

We don’t really comment on the other’s writings or immediately respond. I think the process evokes a lot of the same benefits as appting, and because it hangs on the wall, serves as a constant reminder of the feelings.”

Want to Appt? Go here: https://saveamarriageforever.com/appting-guide-optin/

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