
Bob Huizenga

Power of a Mature Emotional Connection

It may seem obvious that an emotional connection will enable Warm Magic Moments. An emotional connection does trigger Warm Magic Moments. However, what you think of as an emotional connection may be an emotional connection in disguise. A great deal of time, energy and money is spent in our culture attempting to create “romance” or […]

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9 Traits that will Guarantee Effective Teamwork in a Marriage

Are you a Team? Warm Magic Moments are given the possibility for life in your relationship of deep emotional investment if you together can manage the things of your life. The capacity to function as a well oiled team, making and following through on problems and decisions related to money, children, extended family, career choices,

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Mindsets that Generate Magic Moments in a Marriage: Conflict Resolution

A couple that resolves conflict quickly and painlessly encourages Magic Moments. Not all marriages suffer from conflict. I’m talking primarily about verbal conflict. Some couples say they never “fight.” And, they don’t. They find a way to cope and manage differences without resorting to verbal assaults. I would guess that 15-25% of marriages find conflict

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Communication in Marriage Incubates Magic Moments

Self-help experts say you need good communication in marriage. Yes, that is a given. It’s also a very general statement that needs expansion. There are many levels of communication: body language, tone of voice, rate of speech, speech pattern changes, eye movement and yes the words you use. Let’s break down what effective communication is

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Shift #4: From Running from your Spouse to Confronting Your Spouse

One in a marriage or relationship of emotional investment is ALWAYS (instead of confronting your spouse) running away or distancing self or putting on the brakes, at some point, with communication, intimacy, closeness and the process of knowing and being known. In 80% of the marriages you can count on this process. It’s usually men

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Awareness of Your Spouse Leads to Magic Moments in Your Marriage

I’m presenting 10 mature mindsets that generate an inviting atmosphere for Magic Moments to occur in your Marriage. This article speaks about the second characteristic of a mature mindset: awareness of your spouse or partner. The first characteristic: respect for self. Awareness of your spouse calls attention to the depth of your knowledge about your

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Marriage Problem Advice – Shift #3: From Chasing to Confronting

One in a marriage is usually the chaser or pursuer, which is characteristic of a Yellow Marriage (see https://saveamarriageforever.com/ebook.htm for marriage problem advice pertaining to this specific type of marriage). This is an extremely common phenomenon. My experience tells me that 80% of marriages suffer from this dilemma. Much of my coaching with marriages in crisis

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Shift #2: From Losing my Personal Freedom to Enhancing my Personal Freedom

A prominent message sent to the bride and groom upon getting married is, “You are losing your personal freedom.” Isn’t the phrase “tying the knot” interesting? It speaks of a strangle hold, a constriction and losing the capacity to be free. Pranks speak to this loss of personal freedom. Here’s a prank played from my

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Shifts You REALLY Want to Make to Create Magic Moments in a Marriage

A huge majority of those I’ve worked with over the years regarding their marriage problems profess first and foremost that they are looking for changes in their spouse. If only s/he would be more communicative, be more emotional, be more caring, listen better, not focus so much on work, not have friends be the center

Shifts You REALLY Want to Make to Create Magic Moments in a Marriage Read More »
