
Thank You for Your Order!

Instructions for access will be sent to the e-mail address you listed at purchase in the next 5 minutes.

Right now, make sure you:

1. Bookmark or save the info on this page. Might save you grief later.

2. Enter [email protected] in your email address book. Or, allow this email address to pass through any spam filters you might have set. You don’t want to miss the access instructions.

3. If you have problems with delivery, please call 888-525-3510. Save this number (you can also find it on our website home page). If we are busy assisting other customers or managing our sites, please leave a message and we will get back to your within one business day.

4. Important: When contacting us regarding an order, indicate your name, date of purchase and transaction ID. Without this information, we will not be able to track down you order.

We are happy you are now part of the Break Free Family. Expect much good information and healing opportunities to be sent your way!

Sincerely wishing you the best!


Dr. Robert Huizenga 
