How to Move From Basket Case to Calmly
Making Your Cheating Spouse Blink –
and Change Direction

- You will regain your calm, confidence and poise
- You will stop doing the 12 Unattractive, Ugly, Typical Tactics Most Use to Prolong the Affair and their Misery
- You will feel less powerless and helpless: more empowered to act effectively
- You will be better able to implement the strategies found in “Break Free From the Affair”
- You will feel better as you understand the complexity of infidelity and affairs
Part 1: Infidelity has absolutely nothing to do with LOVE.
Part 2: Infidelity does NOT mean something is wrong with your marriage.
Part 3: Why infidelity is subtly encouraged in Western Culture
Part 4: Why you are NOT the victim; the victims are your cheating spouse and the other person
Part 5: The Origins of Basketcaseitis and How it Fades
Part 6: What You can Do for You that No one else Will
Part 7: The Stages in a Marriage and When it is Most Vulnerable to an Affair
Part 8: The Value of Thinking Small
Part 9: Decision Making
Part 10: Why it’s NOT Your Fault
Part 11: Stopping the Affair is NOT What You Think
Part 12: 8 Places Where you Jump into the Healing Stream
- How Long will the Pain Last?
- How Do I Get Rid of the Pain?
- How Do I Stop the Affair?
- How Do I Get Him/Her to Talk?
- Do I Confront the Other Person?
- How Do I Get Rid of the Images?
- Should We Have Sex?
- How Do I Confront My Spouse?
- Will I Ever Trust Again?
- What Type of Affair Do I Face?
- What Support Do I Need?
- Must I Protect Myself in Any Way?
- What Gets Triggered in Me?
- What Do I Think About in My Worst Moments?
- What Strategy Should I Employ (for this type of affair?)
- How Much Do I Tolerate for How Long?
- Do I REALLY Want to be Married to Him/Her?
- What am I Learning About Me?
- What Patterns Do I Want to Break Free From?
Your materials have helped tremendously improve my pain-point of view.I an neutral now, no more devestating feeling,
I suppose because I lead quite an isolated existence the greatest benefit from all you info has just been reassurance that I’m handling things well and that the behavior of my spouse is not uncommon nor the personal experiences I’ve lived through.
The direct and to the point advise is helpful!
I like that (your materials) are very straight forward, not just telling theories but actual examples and things to do.
The information has helped me realize we aren’t alone. It’s helped me understand the WHY’S of all the things that are happening. It’s also reinforced my gut feeling that it wasn’t ME but him but helped me in a more loving way say to him this is why!
Empowered. Different approaches, different perspectives. Don’t feel so paralyzed. I am not afraid anymore.
It has helped me to understand the actions of my cheating spouse and I actually feel sorry for him. I am in a better position to work on restoring my marriage alone as a lot of the self searching questions I had asked myself were provided in the e-book about his i fell out of love..affair
I find that I am making sense of my confusion and my inability to stay in the moment.
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Dr. Robert Huizenga