
Module #1: Reduce your Tension and Worry – Relax!

Problem: The tension and anxiety you experience, derived from feeling rejected, being inadequate and not performing well, are a block to having a powerful lasting EASY LOVE.

Tension Reduction Checklist

You cannot love when you are tense. You cannot accept and trust love when you worry and are racked with anxiety. Download the Tension Reduction Progress Chart that guides your progress through this Module.

How Tension and Worry Kill your Relationship

Discover the insidious impact of worry and tension as created by the “Force it/Fix it” model, how these results become anchored in your heart and 11 practical ways anxiety erodes a relationship or marriage.

The Power of Charging Neutral

Charging Neutral is a seemingly simple yet powerful skill that hundreds proclaimed helped save their relationship from the brink of crisis. Charging neutral drastically changes the dynamics and flow of a marriage or relationship.

How you Reduce Tension

There are multiple strategies that assist in tension reduction.
Choose and implement strategies that help you feel calmer and in control.

1. Stop Pursuing

Stop pursuing. 80% of you pursue your other. The result: your other distances. Tension intensifies. Learn how to stop pursuing changes the rules of the relationship; and lowers the tension level.

What You Need to Learn

Download and print out your “What I Need to Learn” file on the right. Check the progress of your learnings that help you reduce the tension and heal your marriage.

Supporting Content

How you conventionally try to “fix” your marriage generates tension. And, with the tension you typically recycle your marital garbage and experience a “stuck” relationship. Warm up to being loosey goosey.
