Introduction to The 3 EASY LOVE Modules
This introduction presents an overview of how, in these 3 Modules and using the Focus and Finish Module, you will move from a Fear/Tension based Marriage to a Relationship and Marriage in which a deeply satisfying love emerges naturally.
How you will know you move from a fear based relationship to EASY LOVE
21 Shifts point to your ultimate destination of EASY LOVE. All the modules provide the means for you to make these shifts and have the marriage and relationship you truly desire.
These 8 conditions (the 4 modules help you create) foster the movement from fear to EASY LOVE
To eliminate your fears and tension, Dr. H incorporates
8 critical keys throughout the 3 Modules to help you save your marriage and move more quickly toward EASY LOVE.
Watch these videos as an overview of the 3 EASY LOVE Laws (incorporated throughout the modules.)
Loving and being loved should be easy and natural. It is difficult, however, since we are taught that we must “make” love happen or we must “fix” a broken relationship. The 3 EASY LOVE Laws move you in the opposite direction of the “Force it/Fix it” mentality.
Your Learning Checklist
What You Need to Learn
Download and print out your “What I Need to Learn” file on the right. Check the progress of your learnings that help you understand the EASY LOVE process.