Dr. Bob Huizenga
- Started Private Practice in Marriage and Family Therapy in 1981
- Over 25,000 direct client care hours
- Served on State Board of Marriage and Family Therapists
- First to write best selling ebook on infidelity
- Spent past 15 years coaching, writing and perfecting his relationship model that has helped thousands
How Coaching works:
One-on-one coaching is convenient. Coaching consists of half hour consultations over the phone or skype
One-on-one coaching is anonymous. No one else knows, unless you want them to know.
One-on-one coaching provides focused help to get at the concerns and issues most pressing to you NOW.
One-on-one coaching is paced. We schedule around your needs and circumstances.
Take a look at the Coaching Packages below, select the one that best meets your needs, sign up and begin the resolution.
Once you sign up, you receive an email with guidelines and expectations for coaching.
Here’s what you do..
Select a Coaching Package Below with Dr. Huizenga
2-Month Coaching Package
with 8-30 minute phone consultations
and Email Correspondence
$1,418.00 USD
1-Month Coaching Package
with 4-30 minute phone consultations
without Email Correspondence
$590.00 USD
2-Month Coaching Package
with 8-30 minute phone consultations
without Email Correspondence
$1,210.00 USD
1 – 30 Minute Phone consultation
$160.00 USD
1-Month Coaching Package
with 4-30 minute phone consultations
and Email Correspondence
$752.00 USD
Once you sign up, I will contact you
for your first coaching session.
Someone wrote and asked if I coach the “other person?” Yes, I do. I coach all involved parties. My style is not to impose “rightness or wrongness”, but move toward understanding, self-care and self-respect, resolution of what is not working, and finally, create a wonderful life and healthy intimate relationships that are ultimately “affair proof.”
I look foward to hearing from you,
Dr. Bob Huizenga
I very much look forward to talking with you. The 30 minute session once a week is becoming such a precious time for me to find MYSELF. I would like to cope with this situation so that I can become wiser and stronger. I would like to believe that the adversity is the best school.
The explanations you give are usually right on. You seem to know what I’m feeling. Each time I talk to you I feel stronger and stronger.