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“5 Tips to End Your Marital Crisis and Pain Once and Forever”
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3. To send an email to your list offering the download for the Free Report: “5 Tips to End Your Marital Crisis and Pain Once and Forever”, copy and use this email swipe. In the swipe include the download url for where the pdf is stored on your hard drive.. To receive credit for your sales make sure you have your affiliate url within the links in the Report. (#2 above)
It is difficult to stay on the healing and rebuilding path when a marital crisis erupts.
And, with most, when the pain and tension begins to escalate it’s next to impossible NOT to say or do that which shoots you in the foot and makes the situation worse.
A marital crisis throws you into a painful world; a world of the unknown.
Sleeping, eating, thinking clearly are overwhelmed by the constant thoughts of him/her, your potential loss and questions of what you can do to heal the pain and restore the relationship.
There is much to learn.
You probably know more about how your cell phone works than how your marriage functions.
And, learning and gaining knowledge alleviates your fears and empowers you to chart new courses that will radically give you the love you truly want.
I offer you a short report on the “5 Tips to End Your Marital Crisis…Once and Forever”, that will help you move through the marital crisis.
Here’s what you will learn in “5 Tips to End Your Marital Crisis…Once and Forever:”
1. How your ignored pain becomes the invisible elephant sitting on and squashing your life and relationship.
2. How you misunderstand and misuse your pain and miss the boat.
3. Discover the ONE question I asked Mary that stopped her chatter, took her breath away and began her healing.
4. Discover the one question I sometimes ask in the beginning of coaching that 98% answer in a predictable and superficial manner and think I’m a little stupid for even asking it.
5. How to raise your distancing spouse’s or partner’s eyebrows and get him/her wondering and more connected.
6. How to nicely confront your partner with the powerful truth.
7. How to stop playing the “if only you would…” game.
8. How to stop wimping out and be powerfully you.
9. How to move beyond the temporary fix for your relationship.
10. How to stop being the loose cannon shooting off your mouth and begin being your powerful you, and get heard.
11. Discover the 4 reasons your self esteem is flushed down the toilet in a marital crisis.
12. Discover the secret to staying on track in repairing your relationship damage.
13. Learn about the 3 circumstances that will throw you off that repairing track.
14. Discover the 6 keys to stubbornly moving ahead, keeping connected and refusing to bend or break.
Your marital crisis is NOT the end of the world.
It could be the beginning of a new chapter that brings you much more than what you now think possible.
Make sure you download the free report “5 Tips to End Your Marital Crisis and Pain Once and Forever” to guide and empower the healing and resolution process.
4. How to add a banner to your website or blog, with your affiliate id url, that sends your readers to a targeted landing page.
Please watch this short video:
5. Feel free to copy and paste any of these images:
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Ebook Cover – Small
6. The animated videos below contain the content for each chapter in “5 Tips to End Your Marital Pain an d Crisis Once and Forever.” Preview the videos. Provide sticky quality content for your readers via blog by copying and pasting the embed code on your blog with a short introduction. Place a download button below the video that downloads “5 Tips to End Your Marital Pain an d Crisis Once and Forever” with your affiliate link inside the report.
“5 Tips to End Your Marital Crisis and Pain Once and Forever” – Introduction
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Tip#1 – Get Underneath Your Pain
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<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script><div id=”evp-9K8X904VEU” data-role=”evp-video” data-evp-id=”NS10aXBzLS0tVGlwLTEtR2V0LVVuZGVybmVhdGgtWW91ci1QYWluLS0tQWZmaWxpYXQubXA0″></div>
Tip#2 – Make Your World Larger
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<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script><div id=”evp-SDWBZUJPDU” data-role=”evp-video” data-evp-id=”NS10aXBzLS0tVGlwLTItTWFrZS1Zb3VyLVdvcmxkLUxhcmdlci0tLUFmZmlsaWF0ZXMubXA0″></div>
Tip#3 – Shift Your Focus
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<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script><div id=”evp-QG5BFIFU1B” data-role=”evp-video” data-evp-id=”NS10aXBzLS0tVGlwLTMtU2hpZnQtWW91ci1Gb2N1cy0tLUFmZmlsaWF0ZXMubXA0″></div>
Tip#4 – Respect Yourself
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Tip#5 – Keep Your Focus
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Free Report Buttons
Right-click the button and select “Save Image As…” to download
7. You may also provide an audio version of each chapter for your readers to download to their computer or mp3 device. Listen walking, in the car whenever there are a few free moments.
Free Download – 5 Tips Audio Version
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Dear colleague,
Read on if you want “sticky” quality content that keeps your visitors engaged, consistently reading your emails and coming back to your site.
I received an email from a joint venture partner, Dr. Bob Huizenga, offering his own quality, cutting edge content “5 Tips to End Your Marital Crisis and Pain Once and Forever” in different formats:
- Pdf report
- Animated videos
- Downloadable audio
- Banners
- Email swipe
- Optin Widget
Give YOUR readers extreme value in personally tailored formats.
And, while you are at it, generate another revenue stream by signing up for Dr. Huizenga’s affiliate program and add your affiliate tracking link to the content you select.
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Wishing you the best,