Dr. Huizenga here.
You are soon going to feel better! You soon will get clarity for your situation! You soon will feel the wave of relief as you realize you are NOT alone and NOT going crazy!
Some in these tapes will become your friends. You will take their voice and perhaps mine along with you on your healing and recovery journey!
So, let’s get you these tapes right now.
Take a deep breath and I will walk you thru the listening and download process.
First, read this carefully. These are IMPORTANT:
1. Your credit card will reflect a charge to the Break Free Enterprise (my business’s home base.)
2. Don’t close this window right away.
3. Print his page or bookmark this url (page). You might want to come back here in the future.
Download Options
A. You can listen to the tapes online, from this page.
B. You can download the entire session to your desktop or file of choice and burn it to a cd or transfer it to your mp3 player.
C. You can open and print the workbooks for each session.
Ok, let’s take these options one at a time.
A. You can listen to the tapes online, from this page.
In the left columns below you will find a listening bar for each session. Merely click on to get it started. Easy.
However, a small percentage of computers do not recognize the tape for a variety of reasons. You need “flash” installed on your computer. Most have this. If you still have problems, this is what he techies say:
If you have the free Flash player and you still can’t see the player buttons it could be security related. There are many types of Internet security that could interfere with your ability to see the play buttons. Below are some guidelines of where to look:
Browser security settings
Firewall security settings, either operating system or separate software Anti-virus security settings Pop-up blocker software Ad-blocker software (some ad-blocker software can misinterpret the Flash player as an ad or pop-up and block the player) Local Area Network (LAN) security settings (if you’re on a LAN at work or home your LAN settings might be set to block Flash, you may need to talk to your LAN administrator)
The most basic troubleshooting steps to take are to turn off these security settings one by one and see which one(s) interferes.
B. You can download the entire session to your desktop or file of choice and burn it to a cd or transfer it to your mp3 player.
Here are basic instructions if you use Windows. These instructions also assume a little knowledge about mp3 players and cds.
Step 1: Right click the link under the column “download for mp3 or cd”
Step 2: Place your cursor over “save target as” and click. Choose desktop or the file where you want to store the download.
Step 3: If you use a mp3 player, transfer your file to the player. You are set to go!
Step 4: If you want to listen via cd, burn the file onto a cd disk.
Here are more detailed instructions. (This is exactly what I do.)
Step 1: I download to a file (see Steps 1 and 2 above.)
Step 2: Open your browser and type in www.iTunes.com
Step 3: Download and install iTunes 7.3 It’s free.
Step 4: Open iTunes after installation. In the top left menu click “file” and under that, click “new playlist.”
Step 5: Note in the left column an “untitled playlist” appears. Type in the name you want to call this list, i.e. “Huizenga tapes.”
Step 6: Click on that playlist.
Step 7: Select and drag the files you just downloaded to the playlist.
Step 8: I plug in my Ipod and update my files. I’m set to go.
Step 9: Of, if I want them on a cd, I insert a blank cd into my computer and click burn “burn disk” on the extreme bottom right of that page. All set to go!
If you are really stuck, talk to someone under the age of 25! Seriously, this is kids play for that generation. Talk to a son, daughter, neice, nephew, neighbor, grandson, etc. They will most likely be very helpful and they will love to show off their knowledge.
Remember, right click on the download link.
The above picture will appear. Click “Save Target As”
I have high speed internet access and some of the downloads for cds and mp3 take a couple minutes.
Listen Online
Review Download
Download for
cd or mp3
How Can I Compete with a 29 Year Old Blond Bombshell? – audio with Fiona
How Do I Pull The Plug When I Care So Much? – audio with John
Why is He with a Drama Queen? – audio with Amanda
Meeting His/Her Needs Won’t Work with a Narcissist – audio with Becky
How Does He Flip the Intimacy Switch? – audio with David
How do I Get Him to Talk? – audio with Erin
You will NEVER Go Back to the Bliss – audio with Lisa
Rebuilding Trust with a Husband who Needs “Juice” – audio with Terri
Banishing Him to the Basement Works – audio with LaKeitha
Rage or Revenge Affair? – audio with Christine
Emotionally Battered and Bruised by a Rage Affair – audio with Lynnette
Self Esteem and Eric’s Wife’s Predator – audio with Eric
A Turning Point Changes Your World – audio with Jackye
Broken Promises. Broken Spirit. Broken Body – audio with Julie
Overwhelm! Questions! Should I Date? – audio with Marcie
I Want to Be Wanted: Infidelity and Breast Cancer – audio with Martha
Crazy Behavior Addresses Craziness – audio with John
How Sue Catapulted Through Her 3-Week Crying Jag and Meltdown -audio with Sue
When Sex with the OP is Horrific!- audio with Mike