Avoid a Catastrophe and Heart Ache. Use specific, researched guidelines to decide: “Should I confront the Other Person or Not?”

- Move through the infidelity more quickly
- Alleviate your greatest fears
- Begin to see your cheating spouse for whom s/he truly is
- Transform your pain into hope
- Feel less anxious
- Gain incredible clarity on your circumstances
Part1: A while back I wasn’t sure where I stood on this issue of whether or not to confront the other person.
Part2: I know that a large number of you at one level want to punch his/her lights out. (One form of confrontation!) Others are more subtle and think of devious ways to inflict pain.
Part3: Some are consumed by images and vivid pictures of the OP (and spouse) and think of “confronting” the other person.
Part4: Before my research I had a hunch that most confrontations would be a disaster and merely stir up the pot of pain.
Part5: I sent out an extensive survey and the 500+ personal stories and responses opened my eyes.
Part6: In analyzing those stories I came away with some important and valuable input.
Part7: Included in “Confronting the Other Person” are:
- Top 10 Apparent Reasons for Confronting the Other Person and the Results (Good and Bad)
- 13 Underlying Reasons Why Some Want to Confront the Other Person
- 32 Tips and Observations on Confronting the Other Person
- 41 Steps of Preparation and Assessment for Confronting the Other Person
- 85 Real time stories that document the decision and outcome of confronting the other person.
The relationship is now over but I believe I did the right thing when I found out and dealt with it the right way thanks to your book, otherwise I really didn’t know what to do. Nigel
I would like to start by saying I have found the advice in your publications to be first class. I am still amazed by how accurately that everything you predicted would happen, happened as it did and your insights into the type of affairs and why they happen. Thomas
Thank you, all of your information & resources have been priceless. Stephanie
I appreciate this site being available to people like me who have many, many questions and concerns after an affair has been revealed. You are a big help. Jack
I often find myself wanting to talk to others that may be able to share some of their experiences with me. As you must already know, it’s a bit difficult sometimes to speak about your feelings of deception with those whom you consider friends. One of the biggest challenges is being able to face your pain and bring it to light so that everyone else knows just what you are going through. I found this site on a day when I felt so darn lonely, and just out of answers. I began reading some of the advise that you gave to others and for the first time I realized I was not alone in my struggle. Alan
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